Tuesday 31 March 2015

Write Something....a Love Letter to God!

Thank you God,  I love you
You've  covered me, 
when I needed protection.
You made me smile, 
when things were going wrong around me.
You sent the sweetness of your Spirit to lift me up,
when I was down.

You stirred a worship in my heart.
You never let us be apart.
Your love is so astounding to me.
You never leave or forsake me.
You wrap me in your everlasting arms.

You allow me to laugh 
and rarely to frown.
You send me Angels to pick me up.
Their smile, their joy, their talk, it pulled me out.

Your light, it brightens every crevice.
There is no shadow when you are around.

You overwhelm me with your love.
It swells my heart with emotion.

You created me to write something
And this something is for you.

Thank you God........I love you!

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